Tattoo Risks & Our Waiver

Please read carefully before booking your tattoo appointment. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

1. I have been fully informed of the inherent risks associated with getting a tattoo. I fully understand that these risks, known and unknown, can lead to injury, including but not limited to infection, scarring, difficulties in the detection of melanoma, and allergic reactions to tattoo pigment and/or soap. Having educated myself on the potential risks associated with getting a tattoo, I still wish to proceed with the tattoo procedure and application, and freely accept & expressly assume any & all risks that may arise from tattooing.

2. I waive and release, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the artists and Sickle & Sage Tattoo Studio from all liability whatsoever, for all claims or causes of action that I may have from personal injury or otherwise. This includes direct and/or consequential damages, which result or arise from the procedure and application of my tattoo, whether caused by the negligence or fault of either the artist, Sickle & Sage Tattoo Studio, or otherwise.

3. I will ensure that I ask my artist any questions before the tattoo appointment. I understand that I am taking all responsibility to make sure all my questions are answered to my satisfaction.

4. I have read and understood all the emails sent to me prior to my tattoo appointment. I have been given instruction on the care of my tattoo while it is healing and I understand them and will follow them. I acknowledge that it is possible that the tattoo may become infected, particularly if I do not follow the instructions given to me. If any touch up work is needed, I agree to pay the touch-up fee, at the artist’s discretion.

5. I am not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and I am voluntarily submitting to be tattooed without duress or coercion. I confirm I will not be under the influence while getting tattooed.

6. I legally declare I am 18 or older at the time of agreeing to this waiver.

7. If I am breastfeeding/nursing, I have taken measures to ensure that I will not breastfeed for the next 24 hours. I am not pregnant. If I become pregnant between now and the beginning of my appointment, I will reschedule.

8. I do not have or will discuss any medical or skin conditions that may interfere with the procedure, application or healing of the tattoo. This may include, but is not limited to: diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia, or any heart conditions. I do not take medication that thins my blood. I am not the recipient of an organ or bone marrow transplant or, if I am, have taken the prescribed preventative regimen of antibiotics that is required by my doctor in advance of any invasive procedure such as tattooing. I do not have a mental impairment that may affect my judgement in getting the tattoo.

9. I have not taken accutane in the past 365 days.

10. I have advised my artist of any communicable disease that I could transfer, including but not limited to the flu, common cold, HIV/AIDS or hepatitis.

11. Neither the artist, nor Sickle & Sage Tattoo Studio, is responsible for the meaning or spelling of the symbol or text that I have provided to them, commissioned from them, or chosen from the flash available.

12. Variations in colour and design may exist between the tattoo art I have selected and the actual tattoo when it is applied to my body. I also understand that over time, the colours and the clarity of my tattoo will fade due to sun exposure and the natural dispersion of pigment under the skin.

13. I understand that a tattoo is a permanent change to my appearance and can only be removed by laser or surgical means. This can be disfiguring and costly, and may not result in the restoration of my skin to its exact appearance before being tattooed.

14. I agree that Sickle & Sage Tattoo Studio has a strict no-refund policy on tattoo payments and deposits, and I will not ask for a refund for any reason whatsoever.

15. I understand that all the artists at Sickle & Sage Tattoo Studio do not recommend having feet, hands, or necks tattooed. These areas may need a second session, or more, as the ink does not hold properly. The second and subsequent sessions may be at the full rate if they are requested.

16. I understand that if my tattoo does not heal well, I will be charged for touch-ups or a second session. I understand this can range from $50.00, for a small touchup, to the full rate, especially if I do not take care of my tattoo. This rate is entirely subject to the artist’s discretion.

Complications & Risks

we take health, cleanliness and complications extremely seriously and take every measure to prevent issues from arising.

  • all our artists have earned certificates from the Canadian Red Cross’ bloodborne pathogens course

  • our shop complies with Interior Health’s regulations, standards and policies for tattooing

  • all our needles and disposables are single use and will never be reused, and all non-disposable equipment is sterilized with Cavicide between each appointment

  • our supplies and inks are purchased from Canadian Suppliers that are approved by Health Canada

  • no toxic ingredients or heavy metals in our tattoo ink

  • all artists completed an apprenticeship with an experienced mentor to ensure proper knowledge about specific cleanliness and cross contamination prevention in the tattooing trade

this list of risks applies to any tattooing experience and is not specific to our studio & artists. before getting tattooed in any new environment, always do your research and ask your artist any questions you have.

Health & Safety

  • Infection:

    • Infections due to accidental bacteria exposure or poor aftercare

    • Bloodborne pathogens (e.g., hepatitis B/C, HIV) if needles are reused or cross contamination occurs

  • Allergic Reactions:

    • Redness, itching, or swelling due to sensitivity to pigments

    • Delayed reactions that appear weeks or years later

    • Reactions may last months to years before subsiding, and can best be managed by treating symptoms

  • Skin Complications:

    • Scarring or keloids (raised scars) in prone individuals

    • Granulomas (small bumps) forming around ink particles

    • Skin irritation from aftercare products or friction during healing

Technical & Aesthetic Risks

  • Poor Artistry:

    • Blowouts (blurred lines from ink spreading under the skin)

    • Uneven lines, shading, or color fading due to artist error or client movement

  • Ink Issues:

    • Long-term fading or color changes (e.g., blue turning green)

    • Ink migration over time, causing blurred edges

Medical & Long-Term Concerns

  • MRI Interactions:

    • Rare swelling or burning during MRIs due to metallic pigments

  • Tattoo Regret:

    • Difficulty/cost of removal (laser treatments are expensive and painful)

    • Social or professional stigma depending on design/placement

Aftercare Risks

  • Poor Healing:

    • Infections from improper aftercare (e.g., swimming, picking scabs)

    • Ink loss or patchiness

Rare but Serious Risks

  • Toxic Ink Ingredients:

    • Some inks contain heavy metals or unregulated chemicals linked to health issues

  • Autoimmune Reactions:

    • Rare cases of chronic inflammation or lichenoid reactions triggered by ink

Minimizing Risks:

  • Choose a licensed studio with single-use needles

  • Discuss allergies/health conditions with the artist beforehand

  • Follow strict aftercare instructions (cleaning, moisturizing, avoiding sun)