Tattoo Aftercare
After your appointment, your artist will apply a second skin bandage to your tattoo, unless you are allergic to adhesives. Our second-skin bandage is a breathable, waterproof, clear adhesive bandage that is amazing for healing tattoos.
Leave the bandage on for 48 hours.
After this time has passed, wash your hands and proceed to remove the bandage in the shower. Peel back the plastic very slowly and carefully.
Do not rip if off like a Bandaid.
Clean the tattoo with warm, soapy water. Be sure to use unscented soap that is free of dyes and alcohol. Just use your fingertips, not a washcloth, as the latter will be abrasive to your tattoo.
After your shower, pat your tattoo dry with a clean paper towel. Allow to air dry until it's dry to the touch.
Make sure you ALWAYS wash your hands before your touch your healing tattoo, to avoid introducing unwanted bacteria.
When your tattoo feels dry, apply a thin layer of white, unscented lotion to the tattoo. We recommend Lubriderm.
Wash your tattoo a few times a day. We recommend using unscented baby wipes to rid the area of bacteria.
Re-apply a thin layer of moisturizer a few times a day, when your tattoo feels dry.
Do not re-apply if your tattoo already feels moisturized, as you may oversaturate the tattoo.
Repeat this process (wash and lotion) for 7-10 days, or until your tattoo is done flaking and peeling.
Apply sunscreen to your tattoo for the foreseeable future.
happy tattoos are…
PROTECTED from the sun! every time your tattoo is exposed to direct sunlight, consider throwing on some sunscreen (the higher the SPF the better!). don’t forget to re-apply! 50SPF means you should be reapplying every 50 minutes!
HYDRATED but not over-moisturized! it’s a fine line between ensuring your healing piece isn’t too dry, but not oversaturated. moisturize as often as you feel is necessary (any time your tattoo feels tight, itchy, or dry) and make sure that your skin is absorbing all of the cream. do not leave a thick later of visible lotion behind.
RESPECTED, like any open wound. that means, no scratching, itching, picking, scraping, etc.
sad tattoos are…
SOAKED. please do not soak your tattoo in water of any kind for 2 weeks. do not go swimming (oceans/pools), or hot tubbing for a minimum of 6 weeks. it’s unsafe for you, and can damage your artwork.
TANNED. please do not expose your tattoo to direct sun for a minimum of 6 weeks after your appointment. after 6 weeks, apply sunscreen any time your tattoo will be exposed for more than 15 minutes.
SWEATY. avoid vigorous exercise for while you have the second skin on. no hot yoga, or saunas for 6 weeks.
SMOTHERED. do not wear tight clothing over the tattoo for 2 weeks (watch for bra straps, yoga pants, etc.)
IRRITATED. do not pick at or scratch your tattoo. we know it’s hard, we know it sucks, but we believe in you! (keeping your nails trimmed short can help with mindlessly scratching!)
DIRTY. wash your new tattoo with unscented soap and water to ward off infection. wash your hands before touching your fresh tattoo. keep your tattoo covered with gloves, clothes or other fabric (bandana works well) to protect it from contaminated work environments for minimum 10 days
Touch-Up Policy
touch-up appointments may be booked after the tattoo has healed for 6 weeks.
when booking a touch-up, please send a clear, well lit photo of the tattoo as it is to so we can determine how long of an appointment you will need and give you a price. this typically just covers very basic supplies needed for your appointment.
touch-ups that are needed on the following areas will be charged the typical hourly rate as these areas are not guaranteed by our artists: fingers, hands, feet, necks, ears.
you may be charged the full rate if touch-ups are extensive at your artist’s discretion. our artists rarely need to do touch-ups due to our thorough application. the most common reason for touch-ups is improper aftercare.
please make sure you take good care of your piece!